In 2023, Pascual, a Spanish company founded in 1969 with distribution in numerous countries, opened a bidding for their new product’s launch giveaway in which many prestigious Albanian agencies competed. In this competitive bidding-war Oz Marketing succeeded through its proposed detailed mechanism that was supported by our team’s in-depth knowledge of giveaway structures, as well as Albania’s laws & regulations.

Pascual’s goal for this campaign was to target their younger customers. This was their biggest campaign in Albania, and Oz made sure that it would reach all of their goals and elevate the brand’s presence in Albania.

The first step of our work was to produce beautiful creatives that would capture the attention of our target audience, and like any good giveaway, offer prizes that would be irresistible. The giveaway’s ethical matters were important to us and our client, therefore we made sure to inform our audience on the terms and conditions, as well as protect their right to privacy. Our next step was social media and digital marketing campaigns, which ultimately lead the customers to a landing page created by us, where they, after having made the minimum purchase of 1,000 lek of Pascual products, would enter the giveaway.

To ensure the maximum reach in the launch, we repeated the same process 3 times, giving away a total of 10 iPhone Pro Max phones. Our strategy was to craftfully combine all the different communication channels, BTL-digital (social media, capturing creatives, promotions, influencer marketing, retail & face-to-face marketing) which were supported by our ATL channels.

This successful campaign brought a social media reach of 1.5M, generating 2430 applicants that had purchased over 1,000 lek worth of Pascual’s products in the market.